Use Map to Organize Data with JavaScript
Learn how to process data using JavaScript’s Map data structure
Learn the basics of the ES6 Map data structure and then follow along as we build an application to read CSV data into an array, and then combine data by year into a Map to find the average of values by year. By the end of this course, you’ll be using Map like a pro!
Elisabeth Robson
Elisabeth Robson is an author, software developer, and computer scientist. With five titles on software development, Elisabeth is a top-selling author with over a half million books in print. She teaches on software topics at and at O’Reilly’s Safari Books Online. Currently co-founder of WickedlySmart, a software training company, Elisabeth is passionate about technology education, particularly for girls and women; it was this passion that inspired her to co-create of The Ada Project, the first web site for women in computing on the web. Elisabeth holds a Master’s degree in Computer Science from Yale University. Previously she was Director of Special Projects at O’Reilly Media, and Director of Engineering at The Walt Disney Company.
Course Curriculum
This course has just one video with everything you need to learn how to use JavaScript’s Map data structure.
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