Learn more about JavaScript
If you want to learn JavaScript and you’re about ready to dive into Head First JavaScript Programming, you can get a quick head start with this collection of videos we put together as we were writing the book. You’ll get a quick taste of JavaScript with ten topics covering everything from what JavaScript is, to the basics of variables and types, and even best practices to keep in mind as you learn how to program in JavaScript. Each video is just a few minutes long, but you’ll be surprised at how much you learn.
Reader Question: passing functions as values?
Another great question from a reader of Head First HTML5 Programming is about passing functions as values. This comes up when using the Geolocation API: the way you get your location is to call the built-in function getCurrentPosition() and pass in two arguments, both...
Reader Question: What is an API?
A couple of weeks ago, I got a great question from a reader of Head First HTML5 Programming: What is a API? Is it like a constructor function or is it just an object or something else? We use the term "API" frequently in Head First HTML5 Programming because the book...
Getting started with HTML5’s Web Sockets
Web Sockets is a new addition to HTML5 that allows you to create a persistent connection with a server for communication. With Ajax, because you're using HTTP to communicate, the connection between your client and the server must be reestablished each time you want to...
Reader Question: How to look at the computed style of an element?
We recently got a question from Michael, who asks: When troubleshooting CSS issues, how can I determine the source of a style that is applied to an element? My favorite way to figure out how an element is getting its style is to use the Element inspector in the Safari...
Reader Question: How to learn to program
A reader from Kenya asks how best to get into programing. Eric Freeman answers the question, and the answer may not be what you expected...view the video below:
Reader Question: Incrementing variables
I got a good reader question today about incrementing variables. This reader is completely new to programming and was getting confused about two common ways to increment variables: count = count + 1; a statement that often appears in a while loop, and i++; a statement...
Reader Question: What are -webkit- and -moz-?
We recently got a question from Jack, a reader of Head First HTML5 Programming, about the CSS used in the example in Chapter 3. In this example, we create a web application that creates a playlist from songs the user types into a form field on the web page, and of...
Ten things every developer (and manager) should know about HTML5
Learn ten things every web developer (not to mention every web developer manager) should know about HTML5. You never know this information just might be the make/break tip for your next startup, or it might even get you that new raise. In the worst case you’ve got some good geek tips for your next geek mixer.
How to make a pie chart with HTML5’s canvas
One of the best things about the HTML5 <canvas> element is that we can now do things like this: without needing a plug in. I recently had to implement a similar type of graphic in canvas for a project I'm working on, so I thought I'd turn it into a tutorial on...
Why learn HTML5 for the holidays?
There are many good reasons to learn HTML5. One really great one is the <canvas> element. This element gives you the ability to add graphics and animation to your page without any plugins. If you're at all interested in HTML5, you've very likely seen some...
Scott Berkun on leadership and teams
I recently had a chance to interview Scott Berkun, who has just self-published a collection of his essays in Mindfire: Big Ideas for Curious Minds. Scott has been a programmer, project manager, team leader (currently at Wordpress.com), public speaker, and, of course,...
Reader Question: How can I create a clickable list of videos?
Today, I received a question from Eva, a reader of Head First HTML5 Programming. Eva asks about how to create a clickable list of videos, so that if you click the name of a video in the menu it will play or pause. In Chapter 8 of Head First HTML5 Programming, we show...
Seth Goldstein Pre-review of Head First HTML5 Programming
Seth gives a pre-review of the book. Seth, can't wait to see what you think and what you come up with after reading the book!
Reader Question: Sequel to Head First Design Patterns?
@erictfree reviewing Visitor in GoF reminded me a lot of the Duck example for Strategy in HFDP. Plan sequel covering other patterns? Thanks for the question Nick. We've talked about following up Head First Design Patterns in a number of different ways, from covering...
Reader Question: Can I learn everything about JavaScript from Head First HTML5?
I'm just now beginning to dive into JavaScript using the Head First JS book published in 2005 (I'm starting chapter 3 today). I also own the newly released HTML5 programming book, and noticed you guys cover JavaScript. Now, I'm wondering which of the two would be more...
Learn JavaScript with Web Designer Magazine
Who reads magazines these days? We do. In fact we're in love with many of the magazines from the Imagine Publishing group over in the UK. They've got some great quick read mags on all aspects of HTML, CSS and JavaScript not to mention all the creative apps you might...
Farewell Steve Jobs
Two weeks ago we submitted Head First HTML5 Programming to the printer, on the first page is a dedication: To Steve Jobs, for hyping HTML5 to the point this book should sell a zillion copies. And, to Steve Jobs, because he is our hero. We will miss you. Eric and...
Head First HTML5 Programming goes to the printer
All the i's have been dotted and t's have been crossed and Head First HTML5 Programming goes to the printers on Thursday (September 29th, 2011). Now all the post-book book stuff begins! Eric (my co-author) and I met with some O'Reilly folks yesterday to talk about the...
Which book should I get if I’m learning HTML?
I received a question today from Eric, a prospective reader, about which book he should buy: Head First HTML with CSS & XHTML or Head First HTML5 Programming (now the official title of the book, by the way). In his case, the right book to start with is Head First...
Why isn’t my HTML / CSS working?
One of the most common questions I get asked related to beginning HTML and CSS is "Why isn't this working?" Unfortunately, I can't look at everyone's individual project or I wouldn't have time to do my own projects, but now and I then I do take a look if it looks like...