We’ve got a new video, about the Map data structure in JavaScript. We’ll take you through the basics of how to create and use Map, and then dive right into a fun example. Follow along as we read temperature data from a CSV file into an array using...
Eric recently pointed me to this article about Steven Pinker’s 2015 book on writing, A Sense of Style: The Thinking Person’s Guide to Writing in the 21st Century and one reason why some writing is so hard to understand: The Curse of Knowledge. I...
We’ve just finished a cool project with O’Reilly: a short manager’s guide to design patterns. Here’s the idea: create a guide that gives you the gist of design patterns, enough to remind you of what they are all about, or enough to get you motivated and on your way to...
JavaScript isn’t the first language to use first class functions, but it’s likely the language that made them popular. Java, Objective C, C#, C++, Python… these are all languages that did not have first class functions until recently. Once JavaScript...
In my previous post, I experimented with the new const keyword which you can use to create constants in JavaScript. Along with var and const, we’ll soon have a third way to declare values in JavaScript: the let keyword. Like var, you’ll use let to create...
In programming you can assign values to variables. In some languages, you can also assign values to constants. What’s the difference? The values of variables can vary (which is why they’re called variables), but the values of constants can’t. In...
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