Learn JavaScript with Web Designer Magazine
Who reads magazines these days? We do. In fact we're in love with many of the magazines from the Imagine Publishing group over in the UK. They've got some great quick read mags on all aspects of HTML, CSS and JavaScript not to mention all the creative apps you...
Farewell Steve Jobs
Two weeks ago we submitted Head First HTML5 Programming to the printer, on the first page is a dedication: To Steve Jobs, for hyping HTML5 to the point this book should sell a zillion copies. And, to Steve Jobs, because he is our hero. We will miss you. Eric and...
Head First HTML5 Programming goes to the printer
All the i's have been dotted and t's have been crossed and Head First HTML5 Programming goes to the printers on Thursday (September 29th, 2011). Now all the post-book book stuff begins! Eric (my co-author) and I met with some O'Reilly folks yesterday to talk about...
Which book should I get if I’m learning HTML?
I received a question today from Eric, a prospective reader, about which book he should buy: Head First HTML with CSS & XHTML or Head First HTML5 Programming (now the official title of the book, by the way). In his case, the right book to start with is Head...
Why isn’t my HTML / CSS working?
One of the most common questions I get asked related to beginning HTML and CSS is "Why isn't this working?" Unfortunately, I can't look at everyone's individual project or I wouldn't have time to do my own projects, but now and I then I do take a look if it looks...